Polecam artyku³ William Reid, F.S.A. Scot. and E. Martin Burgess, F.S.A.
A Habergeon of Westfale
Opisana jest w nim Zachowana niemiecka kolcza z koñca XIV lub pocz±tku XV wieku, gdzie na dwóch kó³kach wybite jest imiê producenta (
bertold vor parte oraz
to isrenloen) a pod pach± jest trzecie, z powtórzonym dziewiêciokrotnie monogramem, który moze byæ po³±czeniem liter A i M czyli Ave Maria. W artykule jest przytoczony fragment z jakiej¶ kroniki: "
at Terouenne, Monsieur de Plessis, lifting his sword to strike, was with an arrow shot at the armhole through his gusset of maile and there slaine" Nic wiêc dziwnego, ¿e w³a¶ciciel tej kolczej chcia³ tam mieæ swego rodzaju talizman
Jeszcze jeden fragment z tego samego artyku³u:
These occasionally bore monogram inscriptions as well as more extensive groups of letters and names. The marathon maria-casparmelchior-balthasar occurs on more than one surviving example. A further parallel is found in the religious inscriptions which occur on armour, weapons, and saddles. The R. L. Scott Collection, now in the Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum, includes a saddle veneered with polished stag antler, the pommel and bow inscribed in Gothic minuscle with the letters am repeated. On the superb mid-fifteenth-century Milanese armour from Schloss Churburg in the same collection the pauldrons are punched, right and left respectively, with the words AVE MARIA and AVE D N E (ave domine).
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