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Bylbym bardzo wdzieczny za wszelkie ciekawe informacje o ludzie zwanym piktami oraz ucieszyly by mnie linki do jakis ciekawych stron o nich
poniewaz moja wiedza o nich stoi jak na razie na naprawde niskim poziomie(a jako czlek glodny wiedzy musze ja zdobyc) wasciwie to wiem tylko ze istnieli i gdzie ale nic wiecej poza tym z gory dziekuje za wszelkie info
Piktowie jako nieliczni malowali swe twarze, st±d nawet ich nazwa (ten sam ¼ród³os³ów co piktogram...)
Poza tym mieszkali na pó³noc od wa³ów Hadriana, w dzisiejszej Szkocji.
To sk±d pochodzi nazwa ich ludzi znajdowalo sie akurat po¶ród nieiwelu rzeczy które na ich teamt wiedzialem ale i tak dzieki za odzew i bylbymwdzieczny za info jesliznasz jakies ciekawe linki do stron o nich
Woad Warriors or the Picts
jest sporo ksiazek np Osprey popelnil jedna - Paul Wagner, Pictish Warrior 297 ad-841 ad(jest tam dobra bibliografia), oraz w Ospreya Arthur and Anglo-Saxon Wars sa ilustraje i troche info.
http://www.holyrood.org.uk/picts/ sa tam linki do stron etc

oto niepelna bibliografia:
Allen, J. Romily and Anderson, Joseph. Early Christian Monuments of Scotland. Pinkfoot Press, 1993. (Originally published in 1903)
Anderson, A.O. Early Sources of Scottish History: AD 1200-1206. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. 1922.
Anderson, Joseph and Douglas, David (editors). Scotland in Pagan Times: The Iron Age.Edinburgh, 1883.
Anderson, M.O. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. 1973.
Birley, A. R. Life in Roman Britain. London, 1964.
Burn, A.R. The Romans in Britain: an Anthology of Inscriptions. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1969.
Burt, J.R.F. A Pictish Bibliography. Forfar: Pinkfoot Press. 1997.
Calise, J.M.P. Pictish Source Book. Greenwood Press. 2002.
Carver, Martin. Surviving in Symbols, A Visit to the Pictish Nation. Historic Scotland and Canongate Books, 1999.
Chadwick, H.M. Early Scotland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949.
Close-Brooks, Joanna. Pictish and Other Burials. Pictish Studies Ed. J.C.P. Friell and W.G. Watson. BAR Series 125. 1984.
Close-Brooks, Joanna. Pictish Stones in Dunrobin Castle Museum . Derby: Pilgrim Press. 1989.
Crawford, Barbara. Earl & Mormaer: Norse-Pictish relationships in Northern Scotland. Rosemarkie: Groam House. 1995.
Cruikshank, Graham. The Battle of Dunnichen. Pinkfoot Press. 1999.
Cummings, W.A. The Age of the Picts. Alan Sutton Publishing, 1995.
Cummings, W.A. The Picts and their symbols. Alan Sutton Publishing, 1999.
Curle, C.L. Pictish and Norse finds from the Brough of Birsay 1934-74.
Dunbavin, Paul. Picts and Ancient Britons : An exploration of Pictish origins. Third Millenium Publishing. 1998.
Earl of Southesk. Origins of Pictish Symbolism. Edinburgh: David Douglas. 1853.
Foster, Sally. Picts, Gaels and Scots. London: Historic Scotland/B.T. Batsford. 1996.
Foster, Sally (editor). The St. Andrews Sarcophagus : A Pictish Masterpiece and Its International Connection. London: Four Courts Pr Ltd.
Gilbert, Inga. The Symbolism of the Pictish Stones in Scotland. Dorchester. 1995.
Henderson, Isabel. The Picts. London: Thames and Hudson, 1967.
Henderson, Isabel. The Art & Function of Rosemarkie's Pictish Monuments. Rosemarkie: Groan House. 1989, 1991.
Henry, David (editor). The Worm, the Germ and the Thorn: Pictish and related studies presented to Isabel Henderson. Forfar: Pinkfoot Press. 1997.
Jackson, Anthony. The Pictish Trail. Orkney: Orkney Press, 1989.
Jackson, Anthony. The Symbol Stones of Scotland. Orkney: Orkney Press, 1989.
Laing, Lloyd & Jenny. The Picts and Scots. Dover, NH: Alan Sutton. 1993.
Lethbridge, T.C. The Painted Men. Andrew Melrose, Ltd. 1954.
Mack, Allistair. Field Guide to the Pictish Symbol Stones. Forfar: Pinkfoot Press. 1997.
Nicoll, Eric(editor). Pictish Panorama. Forfar: Pinkfoot Press. 1997.
Peterson, Edward. The Message of Scotland's Symbol Stones. Aberuthven: PCD Ruthven Books, 1996.
Pictish Arts Society. Proceedings of the Pictish Arts Society Conferences. Edinburgh. 1992, 1993-4.
Ralston, Ian & Inglis, Jim. Foul Hordes: The Picts in the North East. Univ. of Aberdeen. 1984.
Ritchie, Anna. Picts: An Introduction to the Life of the Picts and the Carved Stones in the Care of the Secretary of State for Scotland. Historic Buildings and Monuments, Crown Copyright, 1989.
Ritchie, Anna. Picts. Edinburgh: HMSO, 1989.
Ritchie, Anna. Perceptions of the Picts: from Eumenius to John Buchan. Rosemarkie: Groam House. 1994
Ritchie, Anna. The Kingdom of the Picts. Chambers, 1977.
Scott, Archibald B. The Pictish Nation: its people & its church. T. N. Foulis, 1918.
Southesk, Earl of. Origins of Pictish Symbolism. Edinburgh. 1893.
Skene, William F. Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots, and other Early Memorials of Scottish History. Edinburgh: H.M. General Register House, 1867.
Small, Alan, ed. The Picts: A New Look at an Old Problem. Dundee. 1987
Smyth, Alfred. Warlords and Holy Men. Edinburgh: University Press. 1984, 1989.
Stevenson, John. Pictish Symbol Stones (Discovering Historic Scotland Series). Scotland. 1998.
Sutherland, Elizabeth. Pictish Guide. Scotland: Dufour Editions. 1995
Wainwright, F. T. ed. The Problem of the Picts. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., 1955.
Yolem, Jane. The Pictish Child : Tartan Magic, Book Two (Tartan Magic). New York: Harcourt Brace. 1999.
Powy¿sza literatura dotyczy tzw. "Piktów" z Wysp Brytyjskich. Nazwa ta pojawia siê wcze¶niej, w dobie wêdrówek ludów na terenie Skandynawii. Piktowie tam znikaj± i nagle w wieku XII pojawiaj± siê w Szkocji. Chodzi tu zapewne tylko o zbiezno¶æ nazw, nadanych obu plemionom przez s±siadów.
To jest wersja lo-fi g³ównej zawarto¶ci. Aby zobaczyæ pe³n± wersjê z wiêksz± zawarto¶ci±, obrazkami i formatowaniem proszê kliknij tutaj.
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