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> Prywatne Inicjatywy > Bitwa Narodów
Czy ja dobrze zrozumia³em (s³aby angielski ) ¿e HMBIA (Rosjanie) usi³uje przej±æ organizacje dru¿yn narodowych w innych krajach ? (przyk³ad USA)

Historical Medieval Battle or Politics

Czy istnieje mo¿liwo¶æ ¿e np. zrobi± podobna akcje w Polsce ,wybior± sobie go¶cia do "nadzorowania" reprezentacji wg. w³asnego widzimisiê ?

Czy bêdzie organizowany jaki¶ drugi wielki miêdzynarodowy turniej konkurencyjny do BOTN?? (HURRA!)
HMBIA chcia³o, ¿eby ka¿dy móg³ dostaæ siê do Kadry Narodowej, a nie tylko cz³onkowie Armored Combat League. Teoretycznie mo¿na powiedzieæ, ¿e chcieli przej±æ organizacje dru¿yny narodowej, ale wygl±da to bardziej na dobr± wolê. W koñcu wszyscy powinni mieæ równe szanse, a nie tylko wybrani (ACL). Oczywi¶cie nie znam tematu i tylko wnioskujê z tekstu.
Jednak wiêkszo¶æ postu to internetowy dramat, w którym to k³óc± siê Amerykanie i Rosjanie o rzekome z³apanie za pasek jednego z walcz±cych przez kapitana, który w walce nie uczestniczy³. Co ciekawe, zaczêli siê na to skar¿yæ pó³ roku po wydarzeniu.
Mo¿liwe, ¿e ludzie obra¿eni na HMBIA chc± zorganizowaæ w³asn± imprezê, skoro HMBIA pisze, ¿e mieli nie rywalizowaæ na szczeblu miêdzynarodowym.
Nurglitch (Sextvs Didivs Longvs)
Je¶li s±dziæ po wypowiedzi Rosjan (je¶li jest prawdziwa), to Amerykanie chc± przej±æ w³adzê nad sportem. Na to wskazuje logika faktów. ACL wyda³o to o¶wiadczenie na swoim profilu:

" Dear Anton/ HMBIA,
This sport is a group effort, with all of us contributing to its eventual success. Since the last captains' meeting in Paris, this sport has been under the HMBIA flag, and it is not a secret that there are serious concerns in many countries about HMBIA: its system, decision-making process, and legal and financial transparency.
As you know, there was a meeting in Germany (15-17.11.2013) to address this complicated situation. We, the national leaders of the participating countries, have gathered to discuss the problems we see and have proposed ideas as how such problems can be overcome, referring to the experience gained during the time we were working on the development of our sport on the national level in each country.
As a result of this meeting, we have agreed that the differences between HMBIA's ideas of developing the sport and our own are so far from each other, that it is useless to argue about it. Wasted time on disagreements could be used in more productive ways, so we have decided to start work separately according to what we believe is right.
The fact that we don’t want to be a part of HMBIA does not mean that we will be against that organization. We would like to coexist with your association, giving the fighters the chance to perform in different events, respecting the Battle of the Nations idea and all the work HMBIA had done in the past. This way HMBIA will be free to develop in the way it wants without a never-ending and increasingly emotional argument, and we will do the same. None of the countries working with us have to chose between HMBIA or us, a us/you situation that would be neither fair nor helpful.
The countries signing this document will organize themselves in a more simple and democratic way, with each country having one representative of their national organization (representing the will of the clubs/fighters of the country), joining their efforts in a project focused on the development of the sport, more than the business. We will remain open for all the organizations which want to follow our path of development, and the countries working for HMBIA are also welcome to cooperate with us for the faster growth of our sport. The fighters from the countries who will become part of our new organization will be free to participate in the Battle of the Nations tournaments, and we hope they will be welcome, just as we will welcome fighters from HMBIA countries in our events.
This letter was written by the following countries: Poland, Germany, USA, Great Britain, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Portugal and France. The countries who were absent at the meeting, but have supported our idea from the very beginning are: Luxembourg, Quebec, Ireland, Japan, Latvia and Belgium. That gives total number of 15 initial countries which will cooperate for the development of our sport all over the globe.
We hope that from this moment on we all can move forward in a much more efficient way. We do not burn bridges on our side and wish the best for HMBIA, as we have common goal: to develop the sport we all are crazy about."

Wed³ug tego 15 krajów, w tym Polska, zgodzi³o siê na organizacjê imprezy konkurencyjnej wobec BOTN.
Amerykanie niczego nie chc± przej±æ. To jest porozumienie praktycznie wszystkich reprezentacji niezrzeszonych w HMBIA.
Sprawa jest zbyt ¶wie¿a ¿eby kto¶ sie wypowiedzia³ oficjalnie ze strony PSWR. Dopiero ma sie odbyæ zjazd stworarzyszenia gdzie to ma byæ wszystko wyja¶nione.
Ogólnie HMBIA jest organizacj± nieprzejrzyst± statutowo, prawnie i finansowo. Dodatkowo nie jest ona w ¿adnym stopniu organizacj± demokratyczn±, poniewa¿ wszystkie uchwa³y s± przeprowadzane przez niezmienny zarz±d (a w konsekwencji przez jednego konkretnego sponsora). Zasadniczo sprowadza sie to wszystko do tego ¿e kraje cz³onkowskie nie maj± w niej nic do powiedzenia.
W zwi±zku z powy¿szym i innymi w±tpliwo¶ciami (w tym prawnymi), nikt nie planowa³ wst±pienia do HMBIA. Jednak rosjanie postanowili wyj¶æ na przeciw i stworzyæ w ka¿dym kraju konkurencyjne reprezentacje pod HMBIA i w konsekwencji pod w³asnym nadzorem. Tu sie zacz±³ ca³y ba³agan...
Cytaty z HMBIA z artyku³ów dot.imprez :

"All rights on ideas stated in the article belong to HMBIA and are protected legally."



"doubt the work of respected companies that are engaged in support and control legality and transparency of all the HMBIA work (legal support and control is made by "Baker & McKenzie" company, all financial activities and internal audit is constantly made by "Kaiser Partner" company). Soon these companies may have official complaints addressed to those people who are trying to discredit the reputation of HMB International Association and its partners"

Urocze.....Ciekawe co chc± opatentowaæ ? Piasek i Bikini? Bohurty ? Czy mo¿e konkursy na najlepsze stroje ?
Seriously WTF MAN!??

Everyday Im...

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