Poszukujê chêtnych na wyjazd na turniej w Niemczech. Jedziemy autokarem, mamy jeszcze piêæ miejsc wolnych. Wyjazd w najbli¿szy czwartek o 22 z Wawy, powrót wtorek wieczorem. Koszt przejazdu 150 z³, s³oma, piwo i wy¿ywienie na miejscu.
Pierwszeñstwo maj± osoby walcz±ce. Datowanie XIII-XV
Wiêcej info na pw lub 508199816.
Eichergasse, 35516 Muenzenberg, GermanyMünzenberg Medieval Festival
2nd International Medieval full contact tournament in Germany,
18 - 19 - 20 May 2013 (saturday till monday)
one week after "Battle of the Nations"!
(go to France and then come to Germany!)
"1 vs 1" - thriathlon duels
"5 vs 5" - buhurt group battles
and finally
"all vs all" - buhurt mass battles
Below a beautiful castle, with an unforgettable medieval atmosphere:
large historic camp, many traders, fire show, walking acts, medieval music and
dance, as well as horses and jousting show
approximately 6.000 to 10.000 visitors.
Registration for Fighters and Teams: bruderthomas@gmx.de