Kozystaj±c z wikipedii natrafi³am na ciekawy obraz dotad mi nieznany, jednakze wywo³uj±cy u mnie wielkie zaskoczenie.
Co na to powiecie ? spotkali¶cie siê ju¿ mo¿e z takimi obrazami, mo¿e kto¶ mo¿e powiedzieæ co¶ wiêcej ?
This medieval painting shows several women armed and mounted on war horses, some with armour, some without. Note even the woman in a gown is riding astride, not sidesaddle.
Mam rozumieæ ¿e uzbrojone osoby tu równiez kobiety ?
Pisali równie¿, ¿e :
It was not uncommon for a girl to learn her father's trade, and for a woman to share her husband's trade; many guilds also accepted the membership of widows, so they might continue their husband's business. Under this system, some women trained in horse-related trades, and there are records of women working as farriers and saddle-makers. On farms, where every hand was needed, excessive emphasis on division of labour was impracticable, and women often worked alongside men (on their own farms or as hired help), leading the farmhorses and oxen, and managing their care.
Czyli zda¿a³y siê przypadki kobiet pracuj±cych w zawodach typowo mêskich ? Ciekawa jestem z tego powodu, i¿ sama zajmujê siê nie typowo kobiecym zajeciem - podkuwaniem koni ;)
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