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Artur Brzychcy
Dzi¶ w radiu PLUS rozmowa o Bitwie Narodów - po 22.00 na 96,5 Warszawa i okolice.

Czy wiadomo co¶ o transmisji telewizyjnej w trakcie trwania BM?
bêdzie na pewno Polsat i TVN z wozem transmisyjnym, TVP 2 bêdze krêciæ tak¿e reporta¿ o nas na miejscu. czy bêd± wej¶cia na ¿ywo w tej chwili nie jestem w stanie powiedzieæ.

podejrzewam ¿e skoro Teleexpres pu¶ci³ o nas materia³ jak mieli¶my 2 turnieje eliminacyjne do Bitwy Narodów, to te¿ bêdzie zainteresowany sam± Bitw±.

W weekend w Gazecie Sto³ecznej (dodatek Gazety Wyborczej) powinien siê pojawiæ dodatek ca³y po¶wiêcony Bitwie Narodów.
tak¿e w weekend bêdzie program o nas w stacjach radiowych: Z³ote przeboje i Roxy, w poniedzia³ek na ¿ywo w Radio dla Ciebie.
Robert Szatecki
jednym s³owem sporo siê dzieje
jutro, w czwartek o 7:50 bêdziemy z Arturem w Polsat News, w programie porannym na ¿ywo.
potem o 11ej konferencja prasowa w Muzeum Wojska Polskiego w Warszawie.
zapraszam do obejrzenia materia³u z dzisiejszej konferencji prasowej organizatorów Bitwy Narodów 2012 w Polsacie g³ównym, wydarzenia o 15:40 i 18:40 smile.gif
No niestety w wieczornych "Wydarzeniach" nasz njus zosta³ wyparty przez o¶wiadczenie Wenty o odej¶ciu ze stanowiska trenera polskiej kadry szczypiornistów..

ale za to dzi¶ jest (bardzo dobry) o nas dwustronicowy artyku³ w dodatku do Gazety Wyborczej "Co jest grane" smile.gif
Ma kto¶ skany? By³abym wdziêczna za zamieszczenie
CYTAT(Beanshee @ 20:59 20.04.2012) *
Ma kto¶ skany? By³abym wdziêczna za zamieszczenie


Pozdrawiam Grzegorz
Artur Brzychcy
Bardzo nam przyjemnie jak widaæ podczas wywiadu jak dziennikarze zapalaj± siê do projektu. Ju¿ nie mamy takich sytuacji, ¿eby traktowano nas nie powa¿nie w trakcie spotkania. Bardzo to dobrze ¶wiadczy o otwartych umys³ach polskich dziennikarzy.
Jest to równie¿ wynik ciê¿kiej pracy zarówno ze strony PSWR, orgów Bitwy Narodów, ale i ca³e masy specjalistów którzy siedz± w cieniu wydarzenia.
Artur Brzychcy
CYTAT(drzemik @ 13:32 18.04.2012) *
Czy wiadomo co¶ o transmisji telewizyjnej w trakcie trwania BM?

Bêdzie na ¿ywo streaming internetowy.
Damian Lakomski
Doskona³a wiadomo¶æ dla wszystkich fanów RR którzy nie mog± byæ w Warszawie.
Dziêkujê bardzo!

Czekam na info gdzie siê mam "wbiæ" ¿eby obejrzeæ BN.
No i przeka¿ê znajomym nie znaj±cym dobrze tematu WalkRycerskich... mo¿e kogo¶ to zachêci to treningów i bêdzie wiêcej ludzi walcz±cych na górnym ¶lasku.
CYTAT(Beanshee @ 20:59 20.04.2012) *
Ma kto¶ skany? By³abym wdziêczna za zamieszczenie

to nie do koñca to. skany zamieszczam tutaj:

trochê od nas:
http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/4657/bn1n.jpg Gdynia w Twojej Gazecie mutacja gdyñska 13 ty¶ nak³adu
http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/4982/bn2h.jpg to samo, tylko w mutacji oliwskiej 11 200 sztuk nak³adu, niestety pani dziennikarka nie ogarnê³a i bez naszej wiedzy wrzuci³a zdjêcia z sekcji wczesno¶redniowiecznej
i mojego autorstwa:
kolejny reporta¿ - program na ¿ywo w kanale SPORT KLUB + odhaczony. dzi¶ z Arturem bylismy tam o 20.30.

odmawiam ju¿ wywiady i zaproszenia bo nie wyrabiam. TVP1 i radio 4 musi sobie daæ na wstrzymanie.
Wiadomo co¶ ju¿ na temat mo¿liwego streamu ?
W innym temacie by³o, ale wrzucê tez tutaj:
Na BN by³o kilka ekip telewizyjnych, du¿o kamer, wywiadów i relacji na ¿ywo...
Czy posiada kto¶ jakie¶ ciekawe linki?
Trochê szuka³am ale to s± raczej bardzo krótkie relacje np w Teleexpresie z 30.04 lub TVP Warszawa
Do¶æ ciekawa dyskusja na forum The Armour ludzi ze SCA o Bitwie Narodów :
Nurglitch (Sextvs Didivs Longvs)
Naprawdê kazano im staæ 3h w s³oñcu w pe³nych zbrojach?

Ten kawa³ek jest "s³odzia¶ny":

"Good afternoon. My name is Rob, I am writing from beyond the grave, as I was cruelly murdered at the Battle of the Nations. I cannot quietly look on as people are being tricked with invitations to come have a great time. In truth, that's all a lie. It's all blood, death, and spilled guts over there.

They held us there for 20 hours under the hot sun. When we tried to talk to one of the organizers, he just spat me in the face and hit me in the leg with his marshall's staff. Instead of helping, he brought some dry firewood and started a fire next to us, so that we would be even hotter. But the worst was still to come.

From the tournament field we head screams of death and people begging for help. At first we thought it was playacting, but when a cut off head rolled to my feet, I started feeling nauseous. As we approached the tournament it became clear that something terrible was going to happen. There were so many injured, the local government set up a field hospital. Those who could still scream were carried into tents where they were cut up by nazi surgeons, while those who stopped moving were pulled off with hooks
and dumped into a pile. I saw a raven picking out the eyes of one of the victims. I caught my captain's gaze, and saw sheer terror. Crossing ourselves, we entered the arena. We understood that we will not return alive.

THe arena was covered in blood, guts, and shit. Poles who fought before us completely lost their humanity. They performed wild pagan ritual dances, painted each other with blood of fallen enemies, and howled. The danes who entered the arena to fight us were serious. We knew this when one of them cut off his finger and threw it at our captain. The command "FIGHT" sounded and we rushed at each other like wild enemies.

We tore each other into pieces, cut, raked, smashed, sawed, and sometimes broke off little pieces or sliced each other. I was being beat up by ten Danes, but I held until until the last. Hard hits kept coming, the pain was unbearable. At some point I lost consciousness, and the blessing of death came to me.

Falling on the ground, I saw the fight from the side. Here, our team captain's arm is cut off, but it's still hanging on by strips of sinews, skin, and flesh. It interfered with his fighting, so he bit it off with his teeth. He lost his sword, so he grabbed his cut off arm and used it to batter down his opponent.

Here, Martin pulled out a sword that was thrust through him, and cut off the leg of the Danish captain.

Here, Jim took off his helmet and is finishing off a fallen fighter -- from his own team.

There, Smitty is waving his giant two-handed sword. Around him are three Danes, two judges, and one audience member, all cut in halves. There are also several wounded, but living opponents, who are trying to reach him with their halberds. They are unsuccessful, so they yell filthy curses and spit at him.

And there is Michael. He's completely lost it from the blood and yelling. Having lost hist sanity, he is simply standing there on all fours, and howling.

Moans and screams were everywhere. I saw someone in the audience cutting off his ears just so he wouldn't have to hear the yelling. Finally, the long-awaited command "STOP FIGHT" sounded, and everything was over.

Those who could walk, hobbled towards the camp. Many took off their helmets and poured blood out of them. There was blood everywhere. There was so much of it, the organizers were handing out inflatable boats to all the participants, it was the only way to get to camp. Rowing along the river of blood we watched bodies of our fallen mates floating past us. Some were so mangled they were impossible to recognize.

In the evening one of the Danes came to our camp and gave our team's captain his brother's head, as a token from battle.

That's how it was at the Battle of the Nations. It's Hell. Never go there. All you will find there is pain, blood, and death."
Adrian £uczak
Wypruci z cz³owieczeñstwa Polacy?
Ciekawe kim dla nich musieli byæ Rosjanie? bigsmile2.gif
Nurglitch (Sextvs Didivs Longvs)
Przeczytaj w±tek.

To powy¿ej jest napisane w³a¶nie przez Rosjanina i jest ¿artobliw± parafraz± tego co napisa³ Amerykanin.
Adrian £uczak
Ok. To wtedy do usuniêcia jest mój poprzedni post smile.gif
S³uchajcie, chodzi³ taki kolorowowydziargany z kamer± i mówi³, ¿e robi reporta¿ dla organizatora (? naszego czy ruskiego? z tego upa³u nie wiem?) ¿e to bêdzie na stronie. Kto¶ co¶ wie? Powinny byæ fajne fotki, bo lazi³ po obozach i filmowa³ n.p. dzieciaki walcz±ce drewnianymi mieczami smile.gif i takie tam ró¿ne ?
Reporta¿ TV EDUSAT
Bitwa Narodów (1)
Bitwa Narodów (2)
o, fajne!
Nawet specjalnie g³upot nie gada³, pyta³ i s³ucha³ odpowiedzi, to rzadko¶æ. smile.gif

Ale to wci±¿ nie to.
Tamten by³ kolorowo podziargany, chodzi³ sam z kamer±, krêci³ gary, namioty, dzieci itp.
To jest wersja lo-fi g³ównej zawarto¶ci. Aby zobaczyæ pe³n± wersjê z wiêksz± zawarto¶ci±, obrazkami i formatowaniem proszê kliknij tutaj.
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