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Pe³na wersja: Azincourt 2015
> Inne > Kalendarium 2012
Joss d'Azincourt
Hi Everybody,
I'm here to present you the forum dedicated to the Azincourt Festival.
Sorry that is in french :/ , but google translation could be a good friend in this case !!!! ;)
The main reason for which we created this forum is the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the battle in 2015 !!!
Through the time the quality of reconstruction is better and better at Azincourt so
I hope some of the polish or eastern groups will come and will celebrate this great event !!!


Sincerely yours,
Joss d'Azincourt .
Rafa³ Pr±dzyñski
We are company of english archers of this period since 1996. We was two times of Tewkesbury batel. Its wery interesting iniciativ for company.
CYTAT(Joss d'Azincourt @ 14:40 28.11.2011) *
Hi Everybody,
I'm here to present you the forum dedicated to the Azincourt Festival.
Sorry that is in french :/ , but google translation could be a good friend in this case !!!! ;)
The main reason for which we created this forum is the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the battle in 2015 !!!
Through the time the quality of reconstruction is better and better at Azincourt so
I hope some of the polish or eastern groups will come and will celebrate this great event !!!


Sincerely yours,
Joss d'Azincourt .

Hey smile.gif
I'll try my best to go, even alone if I have to xD
Please, correct me if I am wrong... It'll be organized the 21st and the 22nd of July of 2015?

Take care mate ;)

Jak kto¶ bêdzie siê z Polski wybiera³ i mia³by miejsce na zabranie kolejnej osoby to proszê dajcie znaæ ;D

Wielkie dziêki i pozdrawiam
Marcin Waszkielis
ale to za 4 lata....
Z tego co rozumiem, chodzi o imprezê przysz³oroczn±.
A do 2015 i 600-lecia ju¿ siê przygotowuj±...
Joss d'Azincourt
CYTAT(Boran @ 21:13 28.11.2011) *
Z tego co rozumiem, chodzi o imprezê przysz³oroczn±.
A do 2015 i 600-lecia ju¿ siê przygotowuj±...

That's right Boran ;)
Many thanks for the interest you could give to our event !
To the administrator : Thank you for having moved this topic ;) !
CYTAT(Joss d'Azincourt @ 22:33 28.11.2011) *
CYTAT(Boran @ 21:13 28.11.2011) *
Z tego co rozumiem, chodzi o imprezê przysz³oroczn±.
A do 2015 i 600-lecia ju¿ siê przygotowuj±...

That's right Boran ;)
Many thanks for the interest you could give to our event !
To the administrator : Thank you for having moved this topic ;) !

Ok, sorry for misunderstanding your message. Joss, do you have any pics from last Azincourt festival (link would be useful)?

One more thing, in France apart from Azincourt is there any important historical festival and anniversary in next few years? I know that the Battle of Waterloo (I assure I know it's in Belgium) is going to celebrate it's 200th anniversary the same year ;)

Dziêki Boran za wyja¶nienie tamtej kwestii xD
Rafa³ Pr±dzyñski
I dont see problem- 2015 its no long time. We acting since 1996 - what its 4 years, if you are 15 years in company? bigsmile2.gif
CYTAT(Rafa³ Pr±dzyñski @ 13:46 29.11.2011) *
I dont see problem- 2015 its no long time. We acting since 1996 - what its 4 years, if you are 15 years in company? bigsmile2.gif

hahaha Rafa³ to liczê ¿e w 2015 we¼miesz mnie pod swoje skrzyd³a przynajmniej na ten wypad respekt.gif
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