Pomoc - Szukaj - U¿ytkownicy - Kalendarz
Pe³na wersja: Valshtatt assembly of the troops 2011
> Inne > Kalendarium 2011
"Valshtatt assembly of the troops 2011"
Dates: 9-11 september.
Location: Russian Federation, Moscow Region, city of Balashikha.

Ladies and gentelmen!
Our company "Athlit-Castle Pilgrim" (some of you could see us in Czersk this year) is glad to invite you in Russia to take part in our fest. We invite you to take part in events that could take place before Valshtatt battle in 1241, when polish and hungarian troops leading by Heinrich II fought against mongols.

Allowed period
The timing of the fest is 1200 - 1302, Western Europe, Orders, Rus, The Golden Horde.

What to be done to take part
Western Europe and Orders
You must complete the application form, to which are attached photos of participants in the civil and military costumes, and send it to the address: athlit@yandex.ru
The organizers reserve the right to request additional images to the specified prototype, which were used to make the particular model.

Rus and The Golden Horde
Clubs involved in the reconstruction of Russia and the Mongols can take part in fest by using two ways:
- Receive the personal invitation from the organizers. Those who received have to fill out an application, photos of participants in civil and military suits should be attached to it and send it to the email: athlit@yandex.ru
- If your club has not received an invitation, you must fill out an application and attach passports of the participant's suits each of the alleged participants. Completed application and suits passports are sent by e athlit@yandex.ru

Application form will be added a bit later.

At this time programm is being prepared and will be published later. However, we can say that you will have to wait for maneuvering over rough terrain with tactical tasks, active, and board games, dancing, ladies tournament and much more.

All additional information can be obtained in this topic, on our forum (it's in russian, but you can type in english or use some translaters) or you can send me PM.

Alda de Roncevaux
Zapraszamy na imprezê "Legnickie spotkanie wojsk 2010".
Impreza odbywaæ siê bêdzie w dniach 9-11 wrzesieñ 2011 w mie¶cie Balashikha ko³o Moskwy, Rosja.
Historia bitwy z 1241 r na polach legnickich, gdzie polskie i wêgierskie wojska pod przywództwem Henryka II Pobo¿nego walczy³y z mongolsk± armi±.

Datowanie: 1200 - 1302 roki
Regiony: Zachodnia Europa, Rosja, Z³ota Horda.

Wiêcej informacji u HubertaBKZT.

Ladies and gentelmen!

Application form can be download here (in russian language):

Application form can be download here (in english language):
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