Pomoc - Szukaj - U¿ytkownicy - Kalendarz
Pe³na wersja: Belarus,July 8-10,medieval festival «Mir Castle»
> Inne > Kalendarium 2011
Ladies and gentlemen!
Public Organization «Living History» supported by «La Grand Compagnie de la Russie» has the honor to invite you to international festival of medieval culture «Mir Castle» that will be held on July 8-10, 2011 in the most beautiful castle of Belarus.
Three days full of amazing thematic medieval amusement activities are awaiting our guests. You will be able to see and take part in foot-borne tilting match, tactical buhurts, archers’ competition, concerts and fire show, and of course, participate in dances and visit a hashery.
The culminating point of the festival will be a grand battle with the use of field and man-held artillery, archers and siege equipment.
Over 800 guests from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and other countries are planned to participate in the festival.
The festival will be held in the historical framework of 14th-16th centuries.


E-mail: Mirskyzamok@knight.by
Please provide email address/contact for registration and queries.
Je¶li kto¶ by³by zainteresowany wyjazdem na Bia³oru¶ do naszych przyjació³, mo¿ecie pisaæ do mnie - jestem z ch³opakami w sta³ym kontakcie i, mimo ¿e /niestety!/ sam nie bêdê tam jechaæ, mogê pomóc, udzieliæ informacji jak uporaæ siê z wizami, granic± i wszystkim.

na pewno bêdzie warto tam siê wybraæ!

Bedzie znakomita impreza, polecam)))
Mateusz z Grójca
ale to jednak tydzieñ przed grunwaldem a z tego co wiem, znakomita wiêkszo¶æ osób je¿d¿±cych na wschód na turnieje wybiera siê na grunwald.. To niema³y problem.
To jest wersja lo-fi g³ównej zawarto¶ci. Aby zobaczyæ pe³n± wersjê z wiêksz± zawarto¶ci±, obrazkami i formatowaniem proszê kliknij tutaj.
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