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Pe³na wersja: Lihula Medieval Festival
> Inne > Kalendarium 2011
In 2011 it will be 800 years from the first mention of Lihula in any written record known today. In 1211 the archbishop of Riga, Albert consecrated Theoderich at first as the bishop of Lihula and later as the bishop of Estonia. The aim of Lihula Medieval Festival is to bring to life the first 200 years in Lihula after its appearance in written records.

Period of the festival is 1211-1411 AD. This time it is directed to participants, not visitors, although they will probably be there also.
We set up camp on the Lihula fort hill to do fighting practices after medieval textbooks, play medieval music and dance, play medieval games, cook and eat medieval dishes, have a fair and also a small battle. Everything is meant for participants, no actions directed to visitors, but we do not deny them from coming to watch what we are up to. There is more information, regulations and registration details on our homepage at http://lihulamedieval.info/osale/?lang=en

Welcome to Lihula,


W 2011 roku mija 800 lat od najstarszej wzmianki o Lihuli w znanych nam dzisiaj ¼ród³ach pisanych. W 1211 r. arcybiskup Rygi Albert wy¶wiêci³ Teoderyka na pierwszego biskupa Lihuli a pó¼niej biskupa ca³ej Estonii. Celem ¦redniowiecznego Festiwalu Lihula jest przywrócenie do ¿ycia tego miasta z pierwszych dwóch wieków jego istnienia na podstawie jego opisów w ¼ród³ach pisanych.

Datowanie festiwalu obejmuje lata AD 1211-1411. Powy¿sze ramy czasowe obowi±zuj± rzecz jasna uczestników a nie widzów, choæ spodziewani s± tak¿e ci drudzy.
Obóz rozbijamy na wzgórzu zamkowym Lihula, gdzie bêd± mieæ miejsce warsztaty szermierki traktatowej, muzykowanie i tañce ¶redniowieczne, pichcenie i spo¿ywanie historycznych potraw, urz±dzone bêdzie targowisko i wreszcie odbêdzie siê niewielka bitwa. Ca³y program jest skierowany do uczestników, nie przewiduje siê pokazów dla publiki, acz widzowie bêd± mieli wolny wstêp na teren i bêd± mogli nas ogl±daæ w akcji. Wiêcej informacji, regulamin i zasady zg³aszania siê znajdziecie na naszej stronie domowej: http://lihulamedieval.info/osale/?lang=en .

Zapraszamy do Lihuli,
Hi Annika, do you have any photos of former editions of the event?
CYTAT(Mathaus @ 18:28 02.02.2011) *
Hi Annika, do you have any photos of former editions of the event?

There are links on the home page to several galleries http://lihulamedieval.info/2009/?lang=en


Linki do kilku galerii zdjêæ z poprzednich edycji festiwalu s± na naszej stronie domowej http://lihulamedieval.info/2009/?lang=en
I've got few questions, because my fiancee and I are very interested.
1st - about the rules of fighting. Following the rules it is OK to hit somebody on the back of the head. Am I right? In Poland it is acustomed to forbid such actions.

2nd - How about merchandise? Should we send to you a form about what are we going to sell? Are there stalls or you can sell items anywhere? Is there any fee?

3rd - In which language everything is? And the area?

1. It is strongly discouraged to hit the back of the head, but not directly forbidden, nobody usually does that,
2. You should say what items you wish to sell and it would be good if you sent some pictures, there is no fee.
3. Well it is in Estonia, but I'll try to make all announcemnts and everything in 3 languages as the home page: Estonian, English and Russian, English being the first option.
Polecam wszystkim festiwal i cieszê siê ¿e mogê w jaki¶ tam niewielki sposób wesprzeæ organizatorów.

Szkoda ¿e to tak daleko od mojego miejsca zamieszkania, musia³bym przejechaæ 2 x Polskê smile.gif bo chêtnie uczestniczy³bym.

Informacje i link do strony festiwalu znajdziecie na ReenactmentMarket.eu w dziale Imprezy Historyczne.

link: Historical Events at ReenactmentMarket.eu
Bartholomäus von Struß
I'd like to ask a question, perhaps naive but better for me to get clear information about that rather than being ignorant smile.gif
Are there any refunds for travel? It is a long way however but it's not a problem if there's none smile.gif
Best wishes!
CYTAT(Bartholomäus von Struß @ 21:28 06.04.2011) *
I'd like to ask a question, perhaps naive but better for me to get clear information about that rather than being ignorant smile.gif
Are there any refunds for travel? It is a long way however but it's not a problem if there's none smile.gif
Best wishes!

I'm pretty certain it depends on how much you can contribute towards the festival.
Sorry, no refunds for travel costs.
To jest wersja lo-fi g³ównej zawarto¶ci. Aby zobaczyæ pe³n± wersjê z wiêksz± zawarto¶ci±, obrazkami i formatowaniem proszê kliknij tutaj.
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