Pomoc - Szukaj - U¿ytkownicy - Kalendarz
Pe³na wersja: Festival "Dubenska fortetsia", 23-24.08.2010
> Inne > Kalendarium 2010

Group "Ghent" invite You to take part at festival of medieval culture
"Dubenska Fortetsia"

Date: 23-24th of August 2010
Place: Dubno (Rivnenskii region, Ukraine), governal historical and cultural museum "Dubenska Fortetsia"
Period: Western Europe 14-15th centuries, Kievan Rus 13-14th centuries.
Requirements: to take active part in program of festival, 75% of men in group should take part in bohurts, 100% of women should help with a banquet.

More details in ukrainian avaliable HERE

In program of festival:
1. Parade of participants
2. Bohurts In castle moat
3. Bohurts in dungeons of castle NEW!
4. Group 5x5 bohurts
5. "Freewill" tournament NEW!
6. Bogatyrski igry
7. Different medieval games and other activity
8. Medieval dances and master classes
9. Banquet in throne hall of fortress (by organizers) NEW!

Participants live in medieval camp inside of fortress (place is closed for tourists).
Organizers provide for free:
1) large banquet in throne hall of fortress with great amount of meat, wine, beer and other delicious stuff
2) straw for sleeping bags and tents, firewood and water for a camp
3) breakfest and meal on 23th for participants
4) parking

For winners of 5x5, "Freewill" tournament and Bohatyrski igr wait some good prizes.

Arrangement fee for all participants of festival - 50 UAH.

Festival is not commercial event. Number of participants is limited to 70-80 people.
Je¶li kto¶ by chcia³ pojechaæ na Ukrainê na ten turniej dajcie znaæ.

Jestem w kontakcie z organizatorami, którzy zreszt± bêd± na Lublinie zapraszaæ na swoj± imprezê.

Przypominam ¿e nie potrzebujemy wiz na wjazd na terytorium Ukrainy, jedynie paszport.
Thanks Hubert cool.gif
Impreza ma charakter niekomercyjny, dlatego nagrody w turniejach s± raczej symboliczne.
Z tego te¿ powodu mamy sk³adkê 50 UAH, czyli 20pln. Co maj± uczestnicy zagwarantowane mo¿ecie sami doczytaæ powy¿ej.

To jest wersja lo-fi g³ównej zawarto¶ci. Aby zobaczyæ pe³n± wersjê z wiêksz± zawarto¶ci±, obrazkami i formatowaniem proszê kliknij tutaj.
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