Kawa³ek dyskusji jest na
Roman Army Talk, ale pewnie ju¿ to znalaz³e¶.
Ja mam w±tpliwo¶ci co do interpretacji Hephestusa, np. te jego nity na "nosalu" repliki itd. Czy na pewno wiadomo, ¿e ca³a zas³ona by³a otwierana? Na zabytku wygl±da raczej, ¿e policzki stanowi± ca³o¶æ z naczó³kiem a zawiasy otwieraja tylko siatkê os³aniaj±ca wizury.
Edit: No tak, z dyskusji na RAT wynika, ¿e jednak po³ówki zas³ony twarzowej by³y otwierane - podnoszone na zawiasach tak jak policzki w zwyk³ym, otwartym he³mie galo-rzymskim, a na dole spiête paskiem. Opis trzeba by sobie na spokojnie przet³umaczyæ porównuj±c tekst ze zdjêciami.
Also how the hell do they open the face visor?? I need a picture of how that works or Im going to have to inprovise and I want to avoid that. I have done some surfing but no luck.
Don't have my books at hand to look what was found in Pompeii, but hopefully will be able to look that up tomorrow. Anyway about the opening, as far as I remember (I looked into that and made detail pictures some months ago), the 'mask' is made out of 2 pieces with hinges just like on military helmets on the sides. There is also a hinge with removable pin to lock the eye-visors in place (on the top of them). On the bottom they are slided into a slot. Hope this helps. Will try to dig up detail pictures of one of the pompeii helmets I did to be able to study these details at home. But as they're still on my old PC, which I haven't totally recovered, that may take some time.