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Pe³na wersja: Kord z grodziska w Plemietach
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A. Nowakowski gives the description of such type of weapon. In polish it means "kord". It was found in the castle of Plemieta. But I can't find any picture of this war knife. If anybody have this picture, help me please.

Sorry? i don't speak polish? but i hope you understand my english.

Thank u.
Rafa³ Pr±dzyñski
I translate you.
Kolega przeprasza bo nie umie po Polsku i pyta czy kto¶ ma wizerunek, zdjêcie, rysunek kordu z gródka rycerskiego w Plemiêtach opisywanego przez A. Nowakowskiego.
Kord - isn`t war knife - its biger and haevest like machete - and Plemiêta isn`t castle - radher mote - sory abaut may english.
£ukasz Lewandowski


Here you go: this is a drawing from "Plemieta - a medieval motte" by A. Nadolski. Not much, isn't it? smile.gif

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Rafa³ Pr±dzyñski
I see - this kord is war knife - i dont agree with this interpretation. Kord its toll too fence by my not for dog fight. For me its simple big knife- like bowie knife.
Perhaps you're right, as kord is for fencing, not for dogfighting. These knives seem to be too short for fencing and even for chopping, being just about 25 cm long, although the No.3 is comparatively thick.

Podwa¿amy w³a¶nie interpretacjê A.Nadolskiego, który nazwa³ tak tytu³owy kord, chocia¿ jest to w istocie nó¿ bojowy, zbyt krótki na kord.
Notice though that No.2 has a handle tang about 15cm long and the blade is severely corroded, so we're unable to tell the original length of the whole thing.

Nadolski napisa³, ¿e to mo¿e byæ kord, opieraj±c siê na 15cm trzpieniu rêkoje¶ci i tym, ¿e g³ownia jest mocno skorodowana, wiêc nie sposób ustaliæ, jak d³uga by³a pierwotnie. I nie k³óæmy siê o nazewnictwo, wspomniawszy na zapis z epoki: "miecz, to jest tasak albo kord" :D
Rafa³ Pr±dzyñski
This long hand in this knife its rather sugested woodtoling him.

D³ugo¶æ rêkoje¶ci raczej sugeruje ¿e jest to nó¿ do cisio³ki albo wikliniarstwa?? Zreszt± to samo sugeruje obrys ostrza które wed³ug mojej oceny (z analogii etnograficznych) mo¿e i jest skorodowane ale nie tak bardzo w obrysie.
£ukasz Lewandowski
W terminologii bronioznawczej przyjê³o siê za M. Lewandowskim , ¿e wszystko co ma g³owniê powy¿ej 15 cm d³ugo¶ci przestaje w zasadzie byæ no¿em u¿ytkowym, a zaczyna byæ pugian³em/kordem (nazwijcie jak chcecie) , poprostu broni±. Jak ka¿da teoria , ta równie¿ ma wady.
"A battle-knife with a massive blade and a short tang with copper elements of the grip was discovered at Plemieta..." This is the description by A. Nowakowski. It is given in "Arms and Armor in the medieval teutonic order's state in prussia"
Thank a lot for pictures. But i have another one question. Does anybody have any links to download these books: A. Nowakowski "Militaria z grodziska w Plemietach" , A. Nadolski "Plemiêta - ¶redniowieczny gródek w ziemi che³miñskiej", Gajda P. "Kordy i tasaki w zborach polskich". I have not found it anywhere, even in our national library. (It seems like they collect only newspapers:-)).

Micha³ /Gwyn/ Czerep
Yes, we know Nadolski's claim. Rafal diagrees and thinks this could be a tool for working wicker (by analogy to present tools of this kind). £ukasz reminds us that in Poland the 'official' definition of a battle-knife is anything above 15cm of blade and states that it is only a theory, with all its flaws and weaknesses.

Please note that there is no rivet-hole for a protective lug, a thing pretty typical of war-knives of the period.

Brakuje dziury na 'gwó¼d¼', typowy element no¿y bojowych. To wzglêdem obydwu. A kolega interesuje siê tym z krótkim trzpieniem, s±dz±c po cytacie...
Ten z krótkim trzpieniem to mo¿e byæ wszystko od nerkowca po nó¿ rze¼nicki.

Te one with a short tang can be anything really, ranging from a bollock dagger to a butcher's knife.

Wg ostatnich ustaleñ te znaleziska to jednak pierwsza po³owa XIV w., wtedy ju¿ wyewoluowa³y bauerwery z fernaglami?

According to latest research these finds are dated to 1st half of 14th century, has the typical bauernwehr with protective lug evolved by then?
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