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Marcvs Antonivs Scaevola
Salve milites! Ja Marcus Antoninus Scaevola (alias Szabados László) jestem. Z Hungary.translator piszê o maszynie, z powodu tego przepraszam! Ja wêgierski Rapax jestem cz³onkiem z legio. Legio z trzema imionami jak to egzystuje ju¿smile.gif. Cieszê siê, ¿e zg³osi³em to tu na forum smile.gif Cacaius ju¿ znajomy, poniewa¿ korespondowali¶my z nim ju¿. Podnoszê kilka obrazów je¶li mogê... dziêkujê!Mam tak± nadziejê nie przet³umaczyæ programu du¿o g³upota.smile.gif Obrazy: i (Auxiliaris Equipment), Carnuntum Römer wychodz±ce wyposa¿enie, Gladiator farba moviesnitt przez Scaevola:)
Marcvs Antonivs Scaevola
Salve! Wyposa¿enia. Auxiliaris z sadzy. Jestem legios now.pictures pó¼niej z wyposa¿eñ. cassis,lancea,subarmalis,caliga,balteus (to legioXX ),ring - evil eye ,gladius Przygotowali wszystkie wyposa¿enia w domu! Kask jest wyj±tkiem ( Deepeeka ).
Marcvs Antonivs Scaevola
Micha³ /Gwyn/ Czerep
Mo¿e wygodniej by³oby Ci po angielsku?

Maybe English would be more convenient for you?

Marcvs Antonivs Scaevola
Salve Gwyn! All right.I take it better. But the English translator prepares a program. Is in the team who speaks well in English,he writes then over here!okay? I want to make people's acquaintances,other Rapax with a team.this intention of mine. Pictures from the team. And a picture our program:judicial process. Vale! smile.gif
Marcvs Antonivs Scaevola
" Salve Legion XXI Rapax in Poland!

We are glad to hear about you, not very far from the place where we are located. Our station is Szolnok (Hungary- 100 km from Budapest) that was called Barbaricum by the Romans. This teritorry recalls the last days of our legion (92 A.D.) because the whole legion was defeated here by Dacian ánd Sarmatian army.
You can see more about our association "Gladius" and main section of it "Rapax" on our web: www.gladius.org.hu
We are not only dealing with Roman military areas but ones of Roman civil life (for example Roman wedding, dinner, Roman religious ceremony, etc.)
Every year we organise Roman Camps and Roman Festivals in many places of Hungary.
We have 10 Roman soldiers equipped with helmet, lorica segmentata, hamata and squamata, scutum, gladius, pilum, etc.
We can image to organise camps, festivals together with you if you are interested in.

We look forward to hearing from you soon,
Gladius, Rapax, Nova Roma"
These by mail my legate!
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