Piêkny film . To chyba najpiêkniejsza ,fikcyjna postaæ rycerza któr± widzia³em w filmie. Jego ostatnia bitwa ze ¶mierci± do tej pory wywo³uje we mnie wzruszenie. Szkoda ¿e dyskusja umar³a tak szybko ;)
In the Nursery - Seventh SealAnybody see a knight pass this way?
I saw him playing chess with Death yesterday
His crusade was a search - for God and their same
It's been a long way to carry on
Anybody hear of plague in this town?
The town I've left behind was burned to the ground
A young girl on a stake, her face framed in flames
Cried "I'm not a witch - God knows my name"
The knight he watched with fear - he needed to know
He ran where he might feel Gods breath
And in the misty church, he knelt to confess
The face within the booth was Mr Death
My life's a vain pursuit - of meaningless miles
Why can't God touch me with a sign?
"Perhaps there's no-one there" answered the booth
And Death hid within his cloak and smiled