Królowo dyskutowaæ jest o czym, a jak¿e... ja siê zawziê³am i znalaz³am chwilê by odszukaæ cytaty w Barbarze. Nie tylko o przedstawieniach. Mam nadziejê, ¿e wszyscy znaj± angielski i wybacz± mi, ¿e nie bêde tego t³umaczyæ?!
Zacznijmy od imprezy, która u¶wietnia³a ¶lub Duka Milanu i Isabelli Aragoñskiej:
"The evening began with Isabella dancing 2 dances in the company of 3 of her ladies - in- waiting. Next came preformances by dancers from Spain, Poland, Hungary, Germany and France... At Isabella invitation some of her ladies danced Neapolitan and Spanisch dances. [...]
The culmination of the evenig, the dancing having already lasted about 4,5 hours, was the spectacular theatrical production of "Paradise" directed by da Vinci"Wracaj±c do Moresek, bo ten cytat obieca³am:), rzecz siê dzieje na festiwalu karnawa³owym zorganizowanym przez Papie¿a Aleksandra Borgiê:
"... The guests were seated on benches and on the floor while
moresca was performed on a low stage. An excellent dancer, dressed as a woman, led forth a group of 9 men masquerading as animals.
All wore masks and magnificent brocades. Each of 9 dancers then took hold of a silk streamer which was hanging from a tree, and to the music of shwams, and under the direction of a youth who sat on top of the tree reciting verses, they danced round the tree interwining the ribbons."
Barbara Sparti pisze dalej, ¿e moreski czyli teatry tañca by³y bardzo popularne w XV-wiecznych W³oszech. Pod koniec wieku teatr tañca sta³ siê wa¿niejszy ni¿ wystawiane w tych czasach tragedie.
"Performed, for the most part, in costume, they made use of distinctive headgear, masks, scenery and special effects -fire in particular.. They portrayed allegorical, heroic, exotic and pastoral scenes. [...] Depending upon the occasion, the moresche were dnaced by courtiers, 'squires', ballerini, or dancing-masters. The extant descriptions unfortunately make little mention of the music involved and provide no detailed choreography, thus making it difficult to know if the step vocabluary differed - and in what way-from that of Guglielmo's and Domenico's dances. (However, on 2 occasions, at least, a bassadanza- presumably with its characteristic steps - was danced as a part of a spectale."
Taniec odgrywa³ wa¿n± rolê jako czê¶æ spektakli. " a morality in praise of Chastity culminated in a bassadanza performed around Chastity by 6 queens, followed by 12 nymphs who danced in a ring around them, all to the music of 2 well-known chansons"
Tematyk± moresek by³y równie¿ planety i ¿ycie codzienne ludu, takich jak np. sianie pola.
Na balach tañczona np. piva czy saltarella, gdzie dopuszczalne by³y improwizacje wewn±trz par, grunt by byc w odpowiednim tempie i muzyce. Barbara opisuje bal, gdzie 180 ziemianin wesz³o na salê tanecznym krokiem i tañczyli swobodnie w przestrzeni w formie S, wê¿yka jeden za drugim.
NA dzisiaj zakoñczê cytatem:
" As to the dancing itself, you will see these lovely ladies dance - two by two with the other damsels - bassadanza and Lioncello, some the piva, some the saltarello, others Rostiboli... and others Gelosia.." - once again we cannot tell from the poetic rendering if several couples performed particular dances at the same time or if one cuople danced alone followed by the next in turn."
Dla zg³êbienia wiedzy bardziej w tym temacie zachêcam do przeczytania ksi±¿ki Barbary - Kwasu TY akurat ³atwo móg³by¶ to zrobiæ!!!!