Marcvs Rebivs Cacaivs Asellio
W tym temacie proponuje, aby kazdy zamieszczal spis swojej prywatnej kolekcji ksiazek dotyczacych interesujacej nas epoki. Wiekszosc z nich jest trudno dostepna, i niejednokrotnie wiaze sie to ze sciaganiem ich zza wielkiej wody. Dzieki temu spisowi bedziemy wiedziec kogo mozna zapytac o garsc informacji, opinie na temat interesujacej nas ksiazki, a byc moze poprosic o wypozyczenie lub ksero interesujacych nas rozdzialow.
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Marcvs Rebivs Cacaivs Asellio
Pozycje anglojêzyczne- Dr. Gordon Dammann "Pictorial Encyclopedia of Civil War Medical Instruments and Equipment - vol. I, II & III", 1983
- Field Ron "American Civil War - Confederate Army", Brassey's History of Uniforms, 1996
- Katcher Philip "Civil War Uniforms - Photo Guide", Arms and Armour Press, 1996
- Katcher Philip "The American Civil War - Source Book", Arms and Armour Press, 1993
- Lloyd Mark "Combat Uniforms of the Civil War", Brian Trodd Publishing House Limited, 1990
- Miller Francis Travelyan "The photographic History of The Civil War - volume 5: Forts and Artillery", Castle Books, 1957
- Pohanka Brian "Don Troiani's - Civil War", Stackpole Books, 1995
- Schuyler, Hartley and Graham "Illustrated Catalog of Civil War Military Goods - Union Weapons, Insignia, Uniform Accesories and Other Equipment", Dover Publications Inc., 1985, reprint orygina³u z 1864
- Smith Robin "American Civil War - Union Army", Brassey's History of Uniforms, 1996
- William C. Davis "The Civil War - Box set", czyli de facto 3 pozycje w boxie:
'Battlefields of the Civil War', 'Fighting Men of the Civil War' i 'The Commanders of The Civil War' . seria Rebels and Yankees - U.S. War Department "The 1863 U.S.Infantry Tactics - Infantry of the Line, light Infantry and Riflemen" - reprint z epoki
Pozycje polskojêzyczne- brak
Oczywi¶cie w wolnych chwilach bêdê aktualizowa³ liste.
1. Ron Field "American Civil War - Confederate Army", Brassey's History of Uniforms, 1996
2. William C. Davis " Memorabilia of the Civil War" , Mallard Press, 1991
3. William C. Davis " The CIVIL WAR REENACTORS` ENCYCLOPEDIA", Salamander Book,1999
4. Antony Shaw " The Civil War Catalog " , Salamander Book, 2003
5. Joan&David Hagan " Civil War Re-enactment", Hagan&Hagan, 1996
6. Ron Field " The Confederate Army 1861-65 ( 1 ):South Carolina & Mississippi", Men-at-Arms, nr. 423
7. Ron Field " The Confederate Army 1861-65 ( 2 ):Florida, Alabama & Georgia", Men-at-Arms, nr. 426
8. Ron Field " The Confederate Army 1861-65 ( 3 ): Lousiana & Texas ", Men-at-Arms, nr. 430
9. Ron Field " The Confederate Army 1861-65 ( 4 ): Virginia & arkansas ", Men-at-Arms, nr. 435
10. Philip Katcher "American Civil War Armies ( 2 ): Union Troops ", Men-at-Arms, nr. 177
11. Philip Katcher "Confederate Artilleryman : 1861 - 65" , Warrior, nr. 34
Anglojêzycznie - w wersji elektronicznej :
Osprey Elite #062 - American Civil War Zouaves
Osprey Elite #073 - American Civil War Commanders (1)
Osprey Men-At-Arms #177 - American Civil War Armies 2. Union Tro
Osprey New Vanguard #038 - American Civil War A. Field Artillery
Osprey [Elite 062] - American Civil War Zouaves ( PDF )
Osprey [New Vanguard 049] - Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil War 1861-65 ( PDF )
osprey :
"army of the potomac"
"army ofnothern virginia"
"american civil war zuave"
"flags of ACV 2 : union "
"ACV armies (1) - Confederate "
Pozycje anglojêzyczne:
Willam C. Davis - The Civil War Reenactors Encyclopedia
Terry L. Jones - Lee's Tigers - The Louisiana Infantry in the Army of Northern Virginia -
James M. McPherson - Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
William Gilham - Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States (reprint z 1861r.)
Willam C. Davis - The Civil War - Box Set
hollender nie wiem czy to dobre miejsce ale przypadkiem posiadam podwójnie i chêtnie odst±pie po cenie, Ospreya NV No 38 American Civil War Artillery 1861-65 (1) Field Artillery, nowa prosto z empiku za tak± cene ( do sprawdzenia) 46,49 + koszty przesy³ki, nabywcy pozostawiam kwestiê p³atno¶ci za pobraniem czy tez platno¶c na konto. Egzemparz nowy dzisiaj odebrany a ten¿e zeszyt wreszcie do mnie trafi³ z ebayu po wielu perypetiach
Marcvs Rebivs Cacaivs Asellio
¦ciagna³em ze stanów dwie pozycje do mojej kolekcji. Update u góy .. nr 10 i 11
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