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Pełna wersja: Medieval festival in Celje - 26th of August 06 (Slovenia)
> Inne > Kalendaria 2003-2009 > Kalendarium 2006
Dominik Mucha - Lir
Mam zaproszenie na wyjazd do Sloweni.

W skrocie:
Impreza jednodniowa pierwsz polowa XVw., Slowency gwarantuja hotel i wyzywienie, 1 dniowa wycieczke na miesjcu i staraja sie pokryc rowniez koszty transportu do Sloweni. Dzieki wspolpracy z Fundacja Zamku Chudow z ktora pojechalem do Belgradu i spotkalem slowencow bedziemy mieli prosciej zalatwic wszystko od strony technicznej. Poszukiwani zbrojni oraz ew. kilka osob potrafiacych z soba tanczyc. Jesli zbiore sensowna ekipe do malego busa to postaram sie impreze sfinalizwac, jesli nie to napewno pojade za rok. Jesli ktos jest chetny to prosze pisac na lear@poczta.onet.pl lub tel. 888215688 najlepiej po 16.00. Prosze by ew. zglaszaly sie osoby dobrze obszyte i wyekwipowane, jako ze to moze byc nasz pierwszy wyjazd na Slowenie wiec warto zrobic dobre wrazenie. Prosze zglaszac sie ja najszybciej bo musze odpisac organizatorom czy przyjedziemy.

Wyjazd bedzie z slaska, zachaczmy max o 2 dni pracujace ale najprawdopodobniej o 1.


Wiecej informacji o imprezie po angielsku.

Anyway, I can give you some details about the event. The medieval day in Celje will take place (as every year) on the last saturday of august, that is 26.08.2006. It's a traditional event, 9th this year.
It starts at about 12:00 and ends at about 21:00. I already have a brief program for this year's event and i can translate it for you if you will. Otherwise, the main event, which I am preparing myself is the masive attack on the fortress (similar to the one seen in Belgrade, only that I am writing a script for it, so it will look more attractive and should seem better). Then we will have a presentation of our school of medieval martial arts (fights with different weapons -> very technical and historicaly accurate), music group, dance group, traditional roasted ox, flame throwers (fire show) etc. We also invited a Czech group Fraternitas which are performing a lot in Slovenia.

What would we expect from you here with us, if you attend is: Knights are most welcome to join the massive battle for the fortress (we would discuss the script together). We have reserved a place in the castle for medieval tents as a part of medieval camp. Medieval dance as seen in Belgrade was beautiful. Overall, we would like to have you with us mostly because you are authentic (although 14th cent.) and we give a great deal on authenticity -> most of our costumes are authentic 15th C. designs (expect for some details, which we are still working on).

Our event is one of the most authentic events in Slovenia and is specialized in first half of 15th century, when the counts of Celje (Cilli) were at their peak. Counts of Cilli were the most important people in the 15th century on our land.

So, here's the deal. I talked with our organisator before and he is very delighted. We can offer you a place to stay at the local hotel/resort + food you will require. You will get a quality food on the event (maybe ox) and something to drink. The next day, that is sunday, our organisator offered to give you sightseening tour of whatever place you want. We can take you to some castles if you like, or a guided tour of medieval Celje + castle. Slovenia has many many castles (most are in ruins), you can check out my webpage -> www.gradovi.net which includes just some of the castles in our area. We would also refund your transport costs for the bus.

Here are some photos of our event:

Check out the video!

Year 2004 was very good, we had Czech music group Øemdih and the weather was fantastic. In 2005, we had rain, so it was terrible. I hope for sunshine this year.
Dominik Mucha - Lir
Wyjazd na Slowenie jest aktualny, prosze osoby ktore z ktorymi rozmawialem na temat wyjazdu o pilny kontakt telefoniczny lub osobisty na Chudowie. Chcialbym stworzyc finalna liste uczestnikow.
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