CYTAT(Borg @ 20:00 24.11.2009)
Odgrzewam stary jak ¶wiat temat.
Czy kto¶ dysponuje wiedz± o rodzajach szwów, wykoñczeñ brzegów i kolorystyce najstarszych ciuchów?
Interesuj± mnie g³ownie bagienne, duñskie z epoki br±zu.
Tutaj jest trochê -niestety, podgl±d jest mo¿liwy od po³owy artyku³u, wiêc wrzucam pocz±tek:
"To start with the Danish textile material from the Bronze Age: some 150 graves with textile remains have been recorded, among them seven with totally preserved costumes (Ills.1.21and 1.22) and a further small number of incomplete ones consisting of single garments, including cloaks and caps. To this group can be added a large number of small fragments, which constitute most of the Danish finds. Some twenty other finds from southern Sweden and south-eastern Norway and another score of finds from Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg in northern Germany are very homogeneous and belong to the same cultural entity, consisting of southern Scandinavia and northern Europe, called the nordischer Kreis.
The common features of Nordic Bronze Age textiles are that they are all coarse tabbies, normally with three to six threads per cm, and are made of a primitive wool, which is very similar to the wool of the wild mouflon. In some instances, wool can be seen to have been prepared in some way, for example, the coarse kemps, which are one of the characteristic features of primitive wool, may have..."